Reduce the cost of manual AP and keep your critical accounting processes running while your team works remotely.

How it Works – Step by Step

In the Beginning…

The Beanworks implementation team will work with you to set up your AP Automation database:
– Uploading General Ledger Accounts & Departments from your existing AP module into Beanworks.

– Uploading Vendor Information from your AP module into Beanworks.

– Setting up of all users that need access to Beanworks.

– Contacting your vendors and asking for electronic invoices.

Then Beanworks provides high quality training for your staff so that you are comfortable with the entire process – the goal is to have you up and running with Beanworks within one month.

Once You Go Live…

Vendors send invoices to an email address rather than snail mail: The invoices are forwarded, reviewed and keyed in by Beanworks data entry staff – this starts the workflow. Your AP staff will see all new invoices in their online inbox for GL coding.

Depending on your club’s procedures, your AP staff can either code the invoices or forward them to the proper staff member for coding. Invoices are automatically routed by Beanworks to the proper staff members for review and approval, based on your pre-defined rules. Once invoices are formally approved, a text file is created and easily uploaded into your AP solution to create draft invoices.

The invoices are reviewed, edited and approved by your AP staff. Then the invoices are processed and paid through your AP solution as you normally would (or through A Virtual Credit Card solution). Once a batch of invoices has been paid, another file is sent back and uploaded into Beanworks with the payment information, so the approvers can track the entire cycle of each invoice.

This completes the cycle.

The Best Part…

You will know where your invoices are at all times – there are no more surprises at month end.

You will know which managers are sitting on invoices and how long they have had them.

You will never “lose” an invoice again!


CALL US AT 813.234.6000 or email and one of our technicians will get back to you about starting your BEANWORKS FOR CLUBS account.